So its Independence Day, I always hate being the one who brings up all the trouble and drama and all of that,so today, even though we as a country aren't exactly "independent", and the only people suffering more than we are will be the Arsenal fans, I think it's fair enough to give some few reasons (cause you know,the reasons are really...really small in number) why we still ought to love Ghana and be proud of our nation, you know, to cheer you up a bit and help you enjoy this day to the fullest.

Honestly speaking I think this country is probably the most hospitable country in the world...yhup, you read right. It's crazy. You could be a totally complete stranger from a different country and people will still be kind to you, offer to help you in anyway. It's actually weird how everyone is so friendly since most people in this country actually suffer economically, but that doesn't seem to matter when it comes to human relations. Watch how children laugh and call out "oburoni" when foreigners are around. At first, it might seem offensive, but you later realize they are literally excited to meet a new person, one of different color especially, and would love to just talk to you. Greeting in Ghana is also one big factor. Unlike other countries where you'd walk by someone without the said person uttering a word whatsoever to you like you're an invisible being, Ghanaians have the tendency to greet anyone passing by with a smile on their face. It can get annoying sometimes when you're constantly replying to a greeting as you're walking, but then again, it's the bigger picture that counts, and the fact that someone you don't know is willing to say hi to you is simply amazing.

Come to think of it, this point should've been the first,right? I absolutely love food, and if you're like me, you're definitely going to appreciate the good in this country. Now when I say food, I'm not talking about just one particular type, sure most of our delicacies are 70% carbohydrate, but hey, who's complaining. From "Jollof Rice" which is the one single meal that can completely turn your gloomy day to the best day of your life, to "Fufu" that is simply heaven sent, to the "Waakye,Banku,Kenkey,Kooko and Koose," the food in this country is irrevocably one of the best in the world, the only country that'll beat us will probably be Italy, cause you know, they invented pizza (just saying).

Now, for those of you who keep complaining about this country, get on your knees and thank God for the fact that at least, we have a stable political atmosphere. Unlike other countries where an election year can't go by without conflict and possibly a civil war, this country is so peaceful, it's unbelievable. Don't get me wrong though, we do have some one or two incidences of some political tension when it comes to the political parties in the country, and recently some particular occurrences have shaken the country a bit, but shiver not, we're still peaceful. I remember how my mother freaked out during the election petition period, thinking some fight was going to happen or something, and I was like, relax, don't get your knickers up in a twist, we'll be alright. This country is actually well known for its political stability, you can check it out if you like, Ghana is a known haven of political stability in the whole of Africa. We have a good track of democracy that greatly inspires people in and out of the country. In contrast to some of our neighbors, this country has had several decades of very stable democracy with open, free and fair elections. Ghana has been immune from any form of political coup and turbulence making it a really good country to live in. Now tell me that's not a reason to be happy and thank God.

This point probably won't appeal to most of us Ghanaians who've been suffering in the heat lately, but trust me, if you've also experienced a -15 degree temperature weather, you'll be happy for this weather. It's almost always sunny in Ghana, windy sometimes and generally most of the days are quite beautiful and lovely, and definitely great for pictures. Ghana experiences tropical climate. The temperatures vary with elevation and season with annual rainfalls of 1100 mm in the North and 2100 in the southeast. The months of June through September are the coolest. The rest of the year is hot and sunny. That's quite good isn't it? You think if we always had snow and really cold temperatures like some countries, you'll be able to have as many pool parties as you've been having ?

I really don't even need to write a lot on this point. I could just mention Chalewote and leave it at that, but for the foreign readers, I will explain  a bit. Out bead work, art, weaving clothes, woodcarvings and pottery are totally spectacular. Ghanaian artists are creative, whimsically inventive thinkers who use symbols and images to come up with fine pieces of art. Some symbols may seem repetitive but they actually depict different societal beliefs and themes. Most interesting are the ‘scary’ statues and masks. The recently ended street art festival "ChaleWote" was extremely magical to say the least.

As Ghanaians, we definitely need to know and acknowledge how rich our culture and history are, and also realize that we must be proud of it. It's sad how we ourselves don't realize this fact, and it's mostly the foreign tourists who acknowledge this fact and keep coming back for more. You have to love a country that's been through all we've been through and still come out good and striving for more. Our diverse culture and various ethnic groups with different practices and cultures is another reason to be proud of how rich heritage.

So there you have it, 6 reasons to love Ghana, my mate will kill me if I don't mention "Red Red" or Beans Stew and Plantain as one of the reasons to fall deeply in love with this country. Today I hope every Ghanaian, both in the country and outside enjoy the day to the fullest,never forgetting that we're blessed to call ourselves Ghanaians. Happy Independence Day everyone, stay safe!


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